10 best prohibited documentary films

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Prohibited movies have always had great popularity among the audience. These films reveal the audience the facts that the government tries to hide. Some believe that such films are truthful, others believe they are fiction. Here is a selection of 10 documentaries that are prohibited in many countries, acording to top10a.ru.

10 best prohibited documentary films

Kursk submarine. This film was made by French director in 2004. The picture reveals the causes of death of the submarine “Kursk”.

10 best prohibited documentary films

House: The Story of the trip. The materials for this film have been collected for 15 years. The filming lasted for 1.5 years and the crew visited more than 50 countries. Some countries have banned the shooting, some confiscated the materials. The film concerns the urgent problem of the whole planet – the ecology.

10 best prohibited documentary films

The FSB blows up Russia. The film tells about Russian government. It contains some shooting of terrorist attacks in the late 90-ies. According to the film, the officers of the Federal Security Service were involved in the failed bombing in Ryazan in September 1999. After the “incident” in Ryazan the wave of terror attacks in the country has decreased.

10 best prohibited documentary films

Nord Ost. The film tells the story of the hostage-taking on 23 October 2006 in the Moscow House of Culture “Moscow Bearing” during the musical “Nord Ost”. The terrorists have been holding 900 people for 3 days, more than 100 people died. The film tells how the invaders managed to organize this terrorist attack.

10 best prohibited documentary films

I and others. This film tells about numerous psychological experiments. These social experiments were going to identify the different perception of the same events by different people. The experiments and studies were conducted by Valery Mukhina – PhD in Psychology.

10 best prohibited documentary films

World conspiracy – the secret world government. The film is prohibited in the US and many other countries. The film reveals the truth about the world power, that is headed by manipulators. Many consider this film one of the best. The filmmakers have shown military conflicts, economic crises and other events.

10 best prohibited documentary films

Zero. The documentary tells the story of a corrupted government regime. The creators have touched the next points: economic conditions of the country, immigration and emigration. The film concerns the political side of Russia.

10 best prohibited documentary films

Putin’s system. One of the most controversial documentaries was filmed by French directors. The film tells about the formation of Putin government. The materials for the film have been collected for 3 years. This film reveals the personality of Putin and his governance practices.

10 best prohibited documentary films

Thieves in law. The film reveals the whole truth about the criminal side of the country. It includes a unique interview with thieving authorities, which tell about the formation of the thieves’ world and the appearance of the so-called thieves-in-law. The film opens the truth how the underworld hierarchy was established and how appeared the term “thief in law”.

10 best prohibited documentary films

Small coin. The film tells about terrorist act in the United States in 2001, when the Twin Towers World Trade Center has crushed. Many believe that these building was blown up deliberately after the collision with the aircraft. This film is a journalistic investigation in which experts give their assessment of the possibility of the collapse of skyscrapers without deliberate intervention.