12 popular myths about suntan

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Do you know that the sun is very dangerous? Or do you still believe in different myths about the suntan? Sun or solarium can cause great harm to your health. And the myths, described in this article, are a dangerous delusion. So, don’t believe in:

12 popular myths about suntan

1. Sunbathing and solarium help to lose weight. Neither solar rays, no radiation in the solarium can change your weight.

12 popular myths about suntan

2. Sun creams are toxic. No! On the contrary, the sun cream contains substances that absorb ultraviolet rays and protect you.

12 popular myths about suntan

3. In order to protect yourself from the sun, it is enough to wear a t-shirt. One more myth. Just think: T-shirt has only 6 points of the protection factor and sun creams have much more high protection factor – 10, 20, 50 and so on.

12 popular myths about suntan

4. If it’s cloudy, the sun cream is not needed. No! The clouds lower the intensity of ultraviolet radiation only by 20%. But the remaining 80% of rays don’t disappear…

12 popular myths about suntan

5. If you always sunbathe, you’ll have less wrinkles. No. The truth is that there are more wrinkles from the sun. Simple example – the face of a woman who has been working in the open air for many years.

12 popular myths about suntan

6. Solarium – the best source of vitamin D. In fact, a person receives enough vitamin D, when he/she is outside and eats certain food.

12 popular myths about suntan

7. UVB-rays are “bad”, but UVA-rays aren’t dangerous. Again, no. UVB-rays are more intense, but UVA-rays, which are used in solariums, aren’t less dangerous.

12 popular myths about suntan

8. Solarium is useful for healthy people, and even for children. Of course not! People who are less than 35 years, shouldn’t sunbathe in solariums. This procedure increases the risk of melanoma by 75%.

12 popular myths about suntan

9. Suntan doesn’t cause skin cancer. It’s a delusion. The ultraviolet light is a carcinogen, which causes up to 90% of cases of melanoma.

12 popular myths about suntan

10. A light tan is a protection against further damage of the skin. Of course not. After all, even a light tan – this is skin lesion. Even small freckles are a skin lesion, caused by sunlight.

12 popular myths about suntan

11. You won’t have skin cancer, if you don’t burn. No. The burns aren’t a harbinger of skin cancer. The disease can appear even if you haven’t ever burnt.

12 popular myths about suntan

12. In most cases skin cancer isn’t dangerous. The fact that this disease is seen outside, not inside of the body, doesn’t mean that it isn’t dangerous. Unfortunately, skin cancer can also kill a person. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor if you’ve noticed that your moles are asymmetrical, multi-colored, don’t have clear boundaries and often change the form.