Five most severe Russian submarine boats

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Russian does the most courageous decisions in the field of modernization of the “cold war” samples. Among the latest upgrades powerful submarines type “Northwind” and “Ash” deserve special attention. Here are 5 Russian killer machines.

Five most severe Russian submarine boats

Nuclear Boat “Pike-B” – submarine, which was named during the construction “Bars” 971, and Nato classified it as “Shark”. “Pike-B” is a heavy threat after several upgrades of the postwar period.

Five most severe Russian submarine boats

Specifications. The improved model has a quieter motor than boats “Bars”, so it is a very low noise boat in the Russian fleet. 971 submarine’s speed is 10 knots (at a depth of 600 meters it can reach speeds up to 33 knots). It is equipped with various anti-submarine, anti-aircraft and anti-ship weapons, including 12 cruise missiles “Granit”, torpedoes and MANPADS.

Five most severe Russian submarine boats

Underwater “Halibut” Boat Project 877 (Kilo) – is a diesel-electric submarine production of 1982. Nowadats, Russian army has improved model of this formidable submarine.

Five most severe Russian submarine boats

Technical characteristics of the submarine “Halibut”. Basic model carries six torpedo tubes, can be equipped with electric homing torpedoes with telecontrol. Eight anti-aircraft missiles, MANPADS “Igla” and “Strela-3” anti-ship missiles with a range of up to 220 kilometers just add power to the boat.

Five most severe Russian submarine boats

Submarines project 636.6 “Warszawianka”, which in the West is called “improved Kilo”. The Russian Navy currently has four such submarines in service. The newest of them with the call sign “Krasnodar” was launched in 2015.

Five most severe Russian submarine boats

Specifications of “Warszawianka”. Like the previous model, this submarine is armed with six torpedo tubes, anti-aircraft missiles “Strela-3” and “Igla” anti-ship missiles with a launch range of up to 220 km. Maximum diving depth is 300 meters. At this depth, it can float at speeds up to 20 knots.

Five most severe Russian submarine boats

The submarine “Borey (Northwind)” was developed by Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union and has no equals. Series of submarines are equipped with ballistic missiles and will soon replace the cruisers of the project “Dolphin”.

Five most severe Russian submarine boats

The technical capabilities of “Borey” are great. Displacement of the submarine under the water is 24 thousand tons. Each of the built submarines of the project “Borey” carries 16 ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads capacity of 150 kilotons. In addition, the submarine is armed with six torpedo tubes.

Five most severe Russian submarine boats

“Ash” Submarines Project 885 were created to replace obsolete types of submarines “Pike-B”. This nuclear submarine can meet the demands of the Russian submarine fleet in the powerful impact type.

Five most severe Russian submarine boats

Submarines of the project “Ash” have a weapon for destruction of ground, surface and underwater targets so they are called universal. Also submarines “Ash” carry eight torpedo tubes, anti-submarine missiles “Onyx”, as well as cruise missiles 3M51. Some of them can be equipped with nuclear warheads.