How to choose the president of the United States

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The presidential elections in the United States are held every four years. Because nowadays it is the year of the elections, here is more information about the presidential race in this country. The most interesting facts about this process are offered by

How to choose the president of the United States

President is the Head of Government.

One of the most important features of the presidential election in the US is that the President in this country is not only the head of state, he is also the head of government. So says the US Constitution.

How to choose the president of the United States

“Checks and confrontation” system.

When the President is elected this means that people have immediately agreed on his leadership over the government. Thus, the executive branch receives a special mandate to rule and get independence from other branches of government. At the same time, the president has no right to dissolve the parliament and announce early elections.

How to choose the president of the United States

The two-stage system of elections. This system has existed since the US National Foundation in 1789.

In the first stage people vote for the so-called electors who come the second stage of the president elections.

How to choose the president of the United States

The modern structure of the election.

Now the process of the election of an American president is multi-stage and consists of four stages. This procedure has evolved during a long period of time.

How to choose the president of the United States

The first stage – the primaries. First the candidates from the Republican and Democratic parties are chosen. Americans vote for the candidate from the party and don’t choose the leadership of the party.

It is exclusively American phenomenon.

How to choose the president of the United States

Second stage.

On the second stage parties hold conventions and officially approve the candidate elected by people, then they determine the two contenders for the presidency.

How to choose the president of the United States

Third stage.

During this period the voting is held – people elect the president and the electors, who would later give the voice for one of the presidential candidates.

How to choose the president of the United States

The fourth stage.

On the final stage the college votes for a particular candidate. The maximum number of votes – 538. In order to win in the elections it is enough to get 270 votes.

The election results are approved by both houses of Congress.

How to choose the president of the United States

“Winner gets everything”.

When the residents of the state choose the candidate from the party, the winner is the one who succeeds to score at least one vote more.

The candidate ultimately gets all the electoral votes of that state.

How to choose the president of the United States

The controversy over the Electoral Institute.

Currently in the US there are discussions over the issue of electors. The reform supporters argue that the president should be elected by the entire population and that the current system is not very transparent.

In general, the question remains open and the election is held on the already proven system.