Physician Confirms Hillary Clinton Has Parkinson’s Disease?Term Life

Hillary Clinton Has Parkinson’s Disease, Physician Confirms

“To most people, that was just odd,” says Noel, once again employing his favorite adjective. “But if we think about Parkinson’s disease, it’s obvious. This is a head nodding tremor.”

No, it isn’t. It’s a tic Hillary Clinton has had for a long time, since at least the early ’90s, usually in evidence when she’s listening to another public speaker. Here’s an example from 1993:

Hand postures

Noel next shows a video of a Clinton campaign rally on 2 April 2016, in which he claims she uses certain “techniques to hide tremors in her hands.” The first is placing her hand flat on her chest, and the second is a gesture in which her fingers come together to form a sort of point — both of which he claims she does to prevent the audience from noticing tremors. But, in fact, if you watch more of the video than the few seconds Noel shows us, and with the audio turned on, you see that she’s clearly using these gestures to emphasize verbal statements, and to suggest to the audience that they’re heartfelt. Plus, she transitions easily in and out of these hand gestures, never once displaying anything like a “tremor” when she’s not using them.


Noel next presents a series of images and clips, including every conspiracy theorist’s favorite Hillary Clinton video — the same one that they have previously tried to pass off as an “epileptic seizure” — and claims, again, that the real explanation is Parkinson’s. Here’s the famous video:

This is “another Parkinson’s disease problem,” Noel claims, “but this time it’s from the treatment, not the disease. It’s an example of Parkinson’s disease levadopa-induced dyskinesia, or PD LID.”

But no, it’s not. As we reported previously, the journalists surrounding her at that moment saw nothing amiss or disturbing in her actions. Associated Press reporter Lisa Lerer described it as follows:

As an Associated Press reporter who’s spent more than a year covering her candidacy, I was there for her appearance. After she ordered herself a “cold chai,” my colleagues and I shouted some questions, mostly about Clinton’s recent meeting with Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

Perhaps eager to avoid answering or maybe just taken aback by our volume, Clinton responded with an exaggerated motion, shaking her head vigorously for a few seconds. Video of the moment shows me holding out my recorder in front of her, laughing and stepping back in surprise. After the exchange, she took a few more photos, exited the shop and greeted supporters waiting outside.

In closing, we wish to make it clear what our aim has been in this analysis. We have not tried to make the case that Hillary Clinton does not have Parkinson’s disease (in point of fact, we don’t think that case even needs making). Rather, we have shown that what Ted Noel did in this video is systematically misrepresent perfectly ordinary and explicable phenomena as “Parkinson’s disease symptoms,” and his motivation for doing so was purely political.