Weapons of Mass Destruction: 10 facts you need to know about

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Nuclear weapon today is a terrible thing; despite the fact that now they it is used only as a political “intimidation”. But get it “in the wrong hands”, and it can happen irreparable. But most of us know almost nothing about this means of mass destruction. Here are 10 facts you should know about nuclear weapons.

Weapons of Mass Destruction: 10 facts you need to know about

10. Nuclear weapons were used only twice in the history of mankind, and both times by the United States against Japan. On August 6, 1945, an American B-29 bomber dropped the atomic bomb “Little Boy” (equivalent to 13 to 18 kilotons of TNT) on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. August 9, 1945 the atomic bomb “Fat Man” (“Fat Man”) equivalent to 21 kilotons of TNT was dropped on the city of Nagasaki. As a result of attacks, about 200 thousand people died.

Weapons of Mass Destruction: 10 facts you need to know about

9. More than 2000 nuclear tests have been conducted in the world. After the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, an insane number of nuclear tests were conducted. This was done in order to understand how much damage the next invention in the field of atomic weapons can inflict. Just imagine how the level of radiation on Earth has changed due to these tests!

Weapons of Mass Destruction: 10 facts you need to know about

8. Only the president can give an order for a nuclear strike. Even if the country is at war, and all military leaders unanimously decide to use nuclear weapons, they can not do this without the approval of the president. At least in most countries of the world, the responsibility for the “nuclear button” lies with the head of state.

Weapons of Mass Destruction: 10 facts you need to know about

7. Protection from nuclear weapons exists. You do not need a huge shield covering the whole city to protect yourself from weapons that can kill millions of lives. Modern missile defense systems can destroy missiles in the air halfway to the target. Now such missile defense systems can protect entire continents, which, after all, gives hope for salvation in the event of an atomic war.

Weapons of Mass Destruction: 10 facts you need to know about

6. In 1957, Americans almost destroyed their own city with a hydrogen bomb. The B-36 bomber transported a 10-megaton bomb from Texas to the Kirkland airbase. Under Albuquerque (New Mexico), the fixing belts let down and the eight-meter-high hulk fell from a height of 500 meters. Fortunately, the bomb did not explode – the detonators were removed before transportation. Nevertheless, all within a radius of 1.5 km was contaminated by radiation.

Weapons of Mass Destruction: 10 facts you need to know about

5. Nuclear weapons act as a deterrent. Some people argue that nuclear weapons successfully restrain the total war between states. This point of view has the right to exist – remember, for example, the “Cold War” between the US and the former USSR. But the threat of nuclear strikes is really holding back opponents.

Weapons of Mass Destruction: 10 facts you need to know about

4. It is rather difficult to become a nuclear power country. Many are concerned that some countries are going to acquire nuclear weapons, because then they can start a war that will destroy most of the Earth. But to become a fully nuclear power, you need a lot of money and time, and you will not be able to do this without attracting the attention of the world community.

Weapons of Mass Destruction: 10 facts you need to know about

3. The United States and other countries are spending huge sums of money on the development of nuclear programs. For example, between 1940 and 1996, the US spent 8.8 trillion dollars on the creation and development of nuclear weapons. With this amount it would be possible to prevent famine in the world…

Weapons of Mass Destruction: 10 facts you need to know about

2. This weapon can hit the target at a distance of 1000 miles in just 4 minutes. Probably, a lot of money was spent not in vain – missile technology has reached unprecedented results. Based on such technical capabilities, as a result of nuclear war, the Earth can become uninhabitable in just 90 minutes!

Weapons of Mass Destruction: 10 facts you need to know about

1. In the event of a nuclear war on the planet, the second Ice Age will begin. According to scientists, nuclear strikes will raise into the atmosphere a huge cloud of dust and smoke (approximately 150 million tons), which will block sunlight. Thus, because of the cold and lack of sunlight, life on Earth can completely disappear. So do we need nuclear weapons in general?