25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

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From this interesting article, you will learn 25 most entertaining facts about an unusual and beautiful country – Colombia.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

Colombia is one of the few countries where women are more often appointed to leadership positions than men.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

In the center of Medellín (the second most important city in Colombia), you can see street vendors selling DVDs of porn, and Lady of Easy stands near the entrance to the church.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

Colombia ranks 4th in the world for beauty treatments. The most popular procedures are breast augmentation, liposuction and tummy tuck.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

Colombia is located on the equator, so it gets dark here at 6 pm all year round.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

Colombia prohibits the consumption of alcohol during major events such as political elections or the World Cup.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

Colombia is the world’s largest producer of co…ne.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

Colombia is a mixture of Indigenous, Hispanic, African, European and Middle Eastern descendants.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

Colombia is the largest producer of Arabica coffee beans in the world.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

Every adult Colombian and even a child drinks one or two cups of coffee a day.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

The capital of Colombia, Bogotá, is considered one of the largest cities in South America. Bogotá is also one of the ten most dangerous cities in the world.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

Every year from January 2 to 7 in the Colombian city of Pasto, a colorful carnival of “Blacks and Whites” takes place. Today, this celebration symbolizes human equality and the unity of cultures.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

Graffiti is very popular in Colombia. The walls of all the houses in the cities are completely painted with graffiti. Artists from all over the world come here to leave their mark.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

On “kitty-kitty-kitty” Colombians do not call cats, but dogs.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

Due to the climate, Colombia has a very large variety of birds, butterflies and amphibians compared to other countries in the world.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

Bicycles are very popular in the Colombian capital. Bogotá has the most extensive network (300 km) of cycling routes in South America.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

The Cocora Valley is one of the most striking places in Colombia. Here grow the tallest palm trees in the world (40-60 meters), which are the symbol of the country.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

Colombia produces 50 to 96% of all emeralds in the world.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

Colombia has very diverse and strange doorknockers.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

There are 102 different indigenous groups in Colombia.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

You will not be allowed into the nightclubs of the country with a belt. This is due to the fact that in the event of a conflict, Colombians often use belts as a weapon.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

More than 30 types of exotic fruits are grown in Colombia.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

Often before the main meal, Colombians eat light fruit salads.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

There are rumors that the lost city of gold, El Dorado, is located in Colombia.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

In Colombia, it is not customary to take off shoes when entering a house.

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25 Most Interesting Facts About Colombia

Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar announced his candidacy for Congress in 1982.