Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

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Equatorial Guinea is an amazing country that gets rich from the sale of minerals, but the majority of the country’s population lives in poverty. Here you will find 25 most interesting facts about this country:

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

It is a tiny African country bordering Cameroon and Gabon. Consists of two parts: mainland and island. Equatorial Guinea is the richest country in Africa, but this wealth belongs to the president and his entourage.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

More than 1.6 million people live in the country, and about 300 thousand live in the capital Malabo.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

The GDP per capita in this country is $8625 and the average salary is only $260.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

Equatorial Guinea got rich on the export of oil, gas, diamonds and gold. In addition, coffee, bananas and cocoa are grown here.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

Over 70% of the population of Equatorial Guinea live in poverty, and over 40% live in extreme poverty. All of this is the result of unbelievable corruption.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

Human trafficking is one of the main problems in Equatorial Guinea. Young women and children are at the highest risk.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

A significant part of the country’s population does not have access to clean water. 20% of children do not live beyond the age of five.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

Teodoro Obiang, the current President of Equatorial Guinea, has been in office since 1979. He seized power from his uncle in a coup. Obiang is one of the most corrupt and richest heads of state in the world, with a personal fortune of $600 million.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

Former President Francisco Macias was a brutal dictator. The local population considered him a sorcerer and were afraid.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

Equatorial Guinea is the only country in Africa where Spanish is the official language.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

The capital of Equatorial Guinea is located on the island of Bioko.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

Equatorial Guinea has the highest literacy rate among African countries. More than 95% of the adult population here can read and write.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

Interesting fact: if you know Microsoft Office well, then this is enough to get a good job in Equatorial Guinea.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

Gasoline in Equatorial Guinea can be bought right on the street. However, it is red and with an unknown degree of purification.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

Regular beer in Equatorial Guinea is very expensive. But local (from sugar cane) is cheap and accessible to everyone.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

As in most African countries, football is the most popular sport here.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

Equatorial Guinea produces coffee and cocoa in large quantities. However, the local population usually does not drink coffee.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

There are four countries in the world with the word Guinea in their name: Equatorial Guinea, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau and Papua New Guinea.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

In Equatorial Guinea, Christianity is the predominant religion. Traditional beliefs are also popular.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

The average life expectancy in Equatorial Guinea is 58 years. This is one of the lowest rates in the world.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

Equatorial Guinea has never won a medal at the Olympics.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

The largest Goliath frog in the world lives in Equatorial Guinea. It can grow up to 34 cm long and weigh up to 3.3 kg.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

The national symbol of Equatorial Guinea is the cotton tree. It is even depicted on the state emblem.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

During a conversation, people in Equatorial Guinea stand very close, often touching or holding hands.

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Extraordinary Equatorial Guinea: Interesting Facts

Due to the special composition, the soil in Equatorial Guinea is reddish. This makes the local scenery look fantastic.