10 important scientific discoveries of 2016

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Scientists around the world day and night work on in order to facilitate human life. We offer to remember the most important discoveries that have been made this year. The website dekatop.com shared with us the most important discoveries.

10 important scientific discoveries of 2016

Teeth affect the health of the organism as a whole. Here is a simple example: scientifically proven that the development of a migraine is affected by certain bacteria in the mouth of a person. So, scientists advise to pay more attention to oral hygiene, and twice a year visit the dentist.

10 important scientific discoveries of 2016

Tears lead to wealth. Siberian scientists have brought that man’s tears contain gold particles. Of course, a single tear does not have a lot of this substance, but for a lifetime a person can cry for a gold ring.

10 important scientific discoveries of 2016

Hemp – the guarantee of health. British scientists have claimed that cannabis has a certain therapeutic effect. This conclusion made politicians Albion scratched his head, as in the past, the EU countries have refused to legalize the sale of the drug.

10 important scientific discoveries of 2016

Teenagers need more sleep. Thus, according to Chinese experts, it will be easier to cope with the most common problem – depression. Before they concluded that the dream – the most effective way to overcome depression, scientists of Japan conducted an experiment with more than 18 000 Japanese schoolchildren.

10 important scientific discoveries of 2016

Feature of Malaysians. This year, the world was shocked with the news related to genome research of Malaysians. According to the information received, their ancestors have nothing to do with the rest of the ancestors of earthlings. Previously it was believed that modern humans are descended from two species of early man, but the latest information belies this fact.

10 important scientific discoveries of 2016

Unknown before the Nazis base has been found in the Arctic. This base was established in 1944 on the Russian island called Alexandra. Earlier, it was used to refuel submarines, as well as a weather station.

10 important scientific discoveries of 2016

Animal cemetery with five thousand years age. The cave is full of the remains of ancient animals have been discovered by archaeologists in the Far East. Scientists believe that there remains appeared here, as the animals were in one big trap from which they could not escape.

10 important scientific discoveries of 2016

The elixir of longevity was found. American scientists have found that vitamin D plays an important role in extending the life of man. According to the studies, this vitamin, not only prolong the life of a person of 30%, but protects against cancer, obesity and depression.

10 important scientific discoveries of 2016

Changing of memory of man, as it turned out, is very easily. To do this we need collectively to convince the person that it was not so, how he remembers. Most people will readily get false memories. Surprisingly, it is a fact.

10 important scientific discoveries of 2016

Stem cells can be obtained from deciduous teeth. These cells are used for the cultivation of joints, heart tissue, the treatment of hepatitis and diabetes. That’s why you should not throw out the baby teeth.