Top 10 most popular doomsday scenarios

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Life on our planet can survive a few billion years. But scientists say that, depending on several factors, end of the world can happen at any time. We suggest you familiarize yourself with a few scientific theories which predict the death of the planet and all life on it.

Top 10 most popular doomsday scenarios

Earth’s core can cool down. If the core of the planet cools, the protective magnetic layer – the magnetosphere – also disappears. It is the protection of the planet from the solar wind, which can dispel the atmosphere around the outer space.

Top 10 most popular doomsday scenarios

The end of the Sun. Scientists say that the life path of the Sun has already been done by half, and it is sure to die, like all stars. In this case, all of the hydrogen in it is converted to helium. Due to active response the Earth can be gravitated to the Sun, or because of its expansion, our planet will descend from its orbit and can be quickly frozen without warmth of the Sun.

Top 10 most popular doomsday scenarios

The Earth descends from its orbit. The reasons for such an event could be: 1) the death of the sun; 2) unknown planet wanders in the solar system and disrupts the Earth’s orbit. The fact that the distance of the Earth from the Sun is very balanced, and changes in the orbit of our planet could lead to the fact that living conditions can become deadly.

Top 10 most popular doomsday scenarios

Earth will face another planet. Accidentally “Newbie” in the solar system planet can not only displace the Earth from orbit, but the encounter with it. By the way, the Earth and Moon were formed 4.5 billion years ago, because of that one little planet crashed into the bigger planet.

Top 10 most popular doomsday scenarios

The bombing of the Earth with asteroids. Asteroids are chunks of ice, metal and other materials. They really have a destructive force. To destroy our planet, we need a whole asteroid rain. Scientists say that there have been periods in the history of the Earth when asteroids fall made the oceans boil over the years.

Top 10 most popular doomsday scenarios

Absorption of the Earth by a giant black hole. Such entities as black holes, scientists know very little. We only know that because of their density through the hole even the light does not pass. Scientists say that in our galaxy there are 10 million black holes, and they constantly rotate and migrate. According to one version, one of those galactic formations swallows our planet into oblivion.

Top 10 most popular doomsday scenarios

The destruction of the Earth’s atmosphere by gamma bursts. When a star dies, at its place a gamma-ray burst is formed with a tremendous amount of energy. If the nearest star to Earth dies, its gamma-ray burst would destroy the ozone layer of the planet, causing a cooling, after which even bacteria would not have survived.

Top 10 most popular doomsday scenarios

“Big Bang”. According to this theory, an unknown force pushes the particles of the universe faster and faster. This acceleration may continue, and then force holding atoms will simply disappear. This will lead to the fact that all living and nonliving dissolve, turning into light.

Top 10 most popular doomsday scenarios

Yet there is a perception that the end of the world may come due supervolcano awakening. Its eruption can be so powerful that not only will fill half a planet with lava, but also throw into the atmosphere a huge cloud of ash and dust, and as a result destroys the ozone layer.

Top 10 most popular doomsday scenarios

Shifting earth’s poles is another bold prediction of scientists. Inversion of the magnetic poles has already occurred on Earth, and more than once. During one such permutation can disappear of the Earth’s magnetosphere. What happens next, you know.